Monthly Archives: Febbraio 2010

Ping services with PHP

Ping-o-matic is a service that calls (ping) server engines and popular services to notify them that you have new contents…

Febbraio 24, 2010

Reading mp3 informations with php (id3 tags)

Inside mp3 files there are often some usefull informations stored. Those data are called “id3 tags” and deal with Author…

Febbraio 22, 2010

How to capture enter key pressed in a form (JavaScript)

Suppose you have a login form and you want to send the form when user press enter on his keyboard…

Febbraio 16, 2010

Mixing bots to gain new services

Spiders and bots let you take services from other web sites, this could be very cool, but also this could…

Febbraio 15, 2010

PHP function to fix collation on database fields of MySQL

This PHP function search for tables in the active db, match table’s name with the regular expression passed as first…

Febbraio 11, 2010

PHP how to calculate age from date of birth

This is a very simple script that starts from a string date in format yyyy-mm-dd and return the age. To…

Febbraio 10, 2010

ASP equivalent to PHP strip_tags

I’ve found those functions around in the internet and I put them here just to remind how to strip tags…

Febbraio 9, 2010

ASP Function to count files in a folder

This ASP function counts files of a specified extension inside a folder: this is done by creating a file system…

Fix html tags, close tags, repair bad quotes and more

This class can solve many problems coming from user generated html content or to fix html content before making some…

Febbraio 3, 2010

Recursive remove directory (RMDIR) in PHP

This small php function is a recursive remove directory that remove non empty dirs recursively. It enters every directory, removes…

Febbraio 2, 2010

Calculate dir size recursively with PHP (and count files)

This small PHP function lets you calculate the dir size entering each sub dir and making the sum of the…

Febbraio 1, 2010