Collection of WordPress plugins, code snippets, tools and posts for developers and happy makers
Hacking del sistema di irrigazione Claber
Modificare il sistema di irrigazione della Claber per utilizzarlo con Arduino e una app realizzata ad hoc
Stop sending email to new user in WordPress admin registration
A code snippet to prevent WordPress to send notification emails when you manually create new users. It uses a pluggable function.
Collegare il condizionatore al wifi
Il condizionatore di casa non è connesso ad Internet e non può essere azionato da remoto, possiamo migliorarlo e renderlo IOT? Ecco come controllare il condizionatore da remoto.
Ripulire la casella di Gmail
Come trovare cancellare in blocco messaggi di Gmail e fare pulizia nella propria casella.
Retrofitting di una vecchia radio FM con connettività bluetooth
Trovata online per 5 euro e rivitalizzata.
Dart Fener parlante con Arduino Nano e DF player mini mp3
Un Dart Fener parlante: ti metti davanti a lui e gli parli e lui risponde con delle frasi del film, rigorosamente a caso
ESP8266-01 e schermo OLED: Mini Quiz
Collegare una scheda ESP8266-01 ad uno schermo OLED è complesso, perché la scheda ESP8266-01 ha solo 8 pin di cui solo 4 utilizzabili.
A new avatar generator for WordPress with get_avatar and Flathash
Brand new avatars for WordPress Gravatar service
Orari trenord, corri solo quando ce n’è bisogno
Hai presente quando corri in stazione per prendere il treno al volo e, quando arrivi, ti accorgi che il treno ha 12 minuti di ritardo?
Retrofitting of a vintage Lael Tester from 1955
I've learned a lot of things by disassembling and changing the way an old tester works
Add Internet Explorer class to body to detect old browser
When you have clients that still uses an old browser, you need to handle it. This javascript function detects the…
Add filter on wp_title not working with Yoast SEO plugin
For SEO purposes, in a specific template that has a list of items with pagination, I need to have different…
Generate all old PDF preview images with WordPress 4.7
WordPress 4.7 generates thumbnails for PDF files while uploading them in the media library, this is a really good thing…
Ultrasonic gun from a gun toy with Arduino
Guns are always bad, I don’t like guns. This is a summary of a project born to play. I’ve found…
Best meteo embed: Windyty Widget
Meteo site with fantastic wind visualization. There are available also other parameters, but the wind visualization is really perfect! Try…
Highlight text for search results in PHP
Useful code to highlight text occurences in search results or in a text. How to highlight text in a string…
Page flip with javascript and HTML5, turn pages like a book
Turn.js is a tool to make a flippable site, like a book, turn pages with javascript. This tool works good even…
Remove or change the view link in WordPress posts list admin
If you want to remove the row action ‘view’ from the admin posts list within a specific custom post type…
Unicorns as user avatar generator
Generator of avatars for community with funny unicorns images. [try unicorns avatar generator]
Flat people user avatar generator
Another avatar generator that creates avatar from a string, simply. Avatar generated are flat graphics and can be used in…
Avatar generator ROBOT
You can use this tool instead of gravatar one to generate avatars for users (especially for nonymous users). It works…
Image to data URI converter
You can use this tool to convert small images in data URI and place the data directly inside the src…
Make pixel patterns with CSS
If you want to create pixel patterns that repeats nicely with just CSS and use them in background, you can…
CSS3 generator
Here is the link to a CSS 3 generator to use when you have to specify multiple css rules for different…
Modify list counter in :before pseudo class with jQuery using start attribute
Suppose you have two ordered list ol tags, and the second one has a start attribute. You also have in…
Connect Whistled to 220V AC light with a relay
Here is the schema to connect the Whistled, the whistle detection device sold on, to your 220V home power…
Modify wp_query for a specific category in category.php
Suppose you have a category called “events“, with a custom field with the date of the event, which is different…