PHP Geocoding function, from address to coordinates lat long

This is a small function included in the Minibots Class that converts an address to a couple of coordinates Latitude,…

Gennaio 24, 2011

This is a small function included in the Minibots Class that converts an address to a couple of coordinates Latitude, Longitude that can be used to place a marker on a map.
This function uses Google’s geocoding service called with the file_get_contents function (CURL not needed).
The result is decoded with a preg_match call that searches for the center data of the map returned.
You can test the function with this online demo.

// ------------------------------------------
// converts a string with a stret address
// into a couple of lat, long coordinates.
// ------------------------------------------
public function getLatLong($address){
	if (!is_string($address))die("All Addresses must be passed as a string");
	$_url = sprintf('',rawurlencode($address));
	$_result = false;
	if($_result = file_get_contents($_url)) {
		if(strpos($_result,'errortips') > 1 || strpos($_result,'Did you mean:') !== false) return false;
		preg_match('!center:\s*{lat:\s*(-?\d+\.\d+),lng:\s*(-?\d+\.\d+)}!U', $_result, $_match);
		$_coords['lat'] = $_match[1];
		$_coords['long'] = $_match[2];
	return $_coords;


PHP expert. Wordpress plugin and theme developer. Father, Maker, Arduino and ESP8266 enthusiast.

Comments on “PHP Geocoding function, from address to coordinates lat long”

15 thoughts

  1. Eric ha detto:

    Pardon my ignorance, but would you please explain in laymen terms exactly how to implement this. Thanks!

  2. Paweł P. ha detto:

    Oooo yes! U just saved me a few hours of work! Good job!
    Best regards! Paweł

  3. test ha detto:

    Not Working At All ..

  4. Giorgio ha detto:

    Really Thanks!

    i needed it!


  5. Ryan ha detto:

    A better solution would be to use json_decode on the data. Running some benchmarks between the two on average json_decode is faster than preg_match.

    // ——————————————
    // converts a string with a stret address
    // into a couple of lat, long coordinates.
    // ——————————————
    public function getLatLong($address){
    if (!is_string($address))die(“All Addresses must be passed as a string”);
    $_url = sprintf(‘’,rawurlencode($address));
    if($_result = file_get_contents($_url)) {
    $_result = json_decode($_result);
    if($_result !== false || !empty($_result->results)) {
    return $_result->results[0]->geometry->location;
    return false;

  6. Zerovic ha detto:

    awesome little snippet :) thanks a lot!

    Eric, the usage is pretty simple. add this into a php file, create a variable like
    $address = “Rome, Italy”;

    then simple use the function;)



    $coordinates = getLatLong($address);

    $lat = $coordinates[‘lat’];
    $long = $coordinates[‘long’];

    hope it helps!

  7. Renga ha detto:

    Big thanks for this sharing. Very helpfull for my works.

  8. Jay ha detto:

    Thanks for this, had no idea this could be done in so few lines of code!

  9. peraferrer ha detto:

    I needed to make a function that from a coordinate I’m back in that place and turned out something like this:

    // from a pair (lat, long) coordinates to an address, city, state, country
    function getCityFromLatLong($latLong){
    if (!is_string($latLong))die(“All Addresses must be passed as a string”);
    $_url = sprintf(‘’,rawurlencode($latLong));
    $_result = false;
    if($_result = file_get_contents($_url)) {
    if(strpos($_result,’errortips’) > 1 || strpos($_result,’Did you mean:’) !== false) return false;
    preg_match(‘/addressLines:\[.*?\]/’, $_result, $_match);
    $_explode = explode(‘,’, substr($_match[0], strpos($_match[0], ‘,’)+2, strrpos($_match[0], ‘”‘)-strpos($_match[0], ‘,’)-2));
    $_place[‘street’] = substr($_match[0], strpos($_match[0], ‘”‘)+1, strpos($_match[0], ‘,’)-strpos($_match[0], ‘”‘)-2);
    $_place[‘city’] = $_explode[0];
    $_place[‘state’] = $_explode[1];
    $_place[‘country’] = $_explode[2];
    return $_place;

    Surely you can improve, and I’m not exported in regular expreciones as you can see. Any recommendation is welcome.

  10. Martijn Wiedijk ha detto:

    Thanks for this fine function, it helped me a lot.

  11. Stefano ha detto:

    Yeah! Fantastic! Thanks man!

  12. Shiva ha detto:

    Thanx for the code, was very helpful! :-)

  13. Luke HM ha detto:

    Worked for me
    By far the simplest solution I have seen
    Many Many Thanks

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